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The student news site of Fenton High School

Fenton InPrint Online

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The student news site of Fenton High School

Fenton InPrint Online

5 apps to help with self care

5 apps to help with self care

Hannah Young, Online Editor February 6, 2020

Learning how to eat right, reduce stress, exercise regularly and take time out for yourself when you need to defines the idea of self-care.Many people have begun their self-care journey, using the apple...

How to protect yourself from harmful situations

Ellie Vasbinder, Assistant Print Editor in Chief February 13, 2018

The sound of the keys jingling in her hand is all that can be heard as a young woman exits her school’s campus one evening. She maintains a quick pace, not wanting to linger alone in the dark parking...

“So something I have started to teach myself is to stop self sabotaging, like even if you are really tired and you don’t want to ge up and wash your face or brush your teeth, you should still do it anyways. You have to take care of yourself by not taking care of you and doing what you know you should do. Like if you don’t want to do your homework, you should. Don’t purposely not do something because you don’t feel like it, you should always take care of yourself. If I do all i need to at night and have the same morning routine I don't feel as stressed, or that I have as much to think about. It helps you with your self esteem and your self confidence because you know you are doing it and you are good.”

People of Fenton: Senior Macyn Stevens

McKenzie Lookebill, Online Editor in Chief February 5, 2018

"Camila" self titled album Jan. 12

“Camila” self titled album Jan. 12

Jacob Angelovski, Multimedia Editor January 19, 2018

First debuting her name to the world as a contestant on FOX’s the X Factor, Camila Cabello rose to fame as a member of five girl group “Fifth Harmony” from 2012-2016, standing out as the lead vocalist...

What I am and what I am not: A message to all

Riley Wilson, Content Editor January 15, 2015

During the last couple of years, I have spent my time soul searching, trying to find out who I am, who I am not, and what makes me that way. Sure, I could get into the chemistry of it all. I could tell...

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