Video teacher Jacob Davis seeks new opportunity with Apple Inc.

Madi Wheeler, Online Editor-in-Chief

After graduating from Fenton High in 2014 and becoming the new video production teacher a month ago, Jacob Davis received the opportunity to work with one of the nation’s largest technology companies, Apple, Inc.

“I will be taking on the title of Computer Vision Quality Assurance Engineer and Videographer,” Davis said. “The opportunity came to me. Actually Apple, Inc. reached out to me and said they wanted me to work with them.”

At this time, details of the role Davis will be taking at Apple remain confidential. As the video program looks for a new teacher, Davis says he hopes to help.

“I know that I will be working closely with Mr. Suchowski and administration to find out who the next person will be,” Davis said. “I know they liked where the program was heading while I was here and they want to see it continue to go that way. I hope to still be in the program as much as I possibly can be to help further develop the program.”

With Davis leaving, the Video Production class will be getting their third teacher for the year.

“We posted a job opening as of today, looking to hire a new video teacher,” Principal Mark Suchowski said.

Davis’ absence after spending the last month at Fenton high means that the video program will be getting its third teacher this year. Davis had replaced former video teacher, Richard Ashley, who moved to Florida.

“It’s sad. We will miss [Davis] for sure, but we are excited for the opportunity he has,” senior Parker Bundy said. “We know what we are doing for the most part, but we still hope to have a teacher.”