Varsity golf team takes fifth in states

November 11, 2020
As fall sports are coming to an end, the varsity golf team has finished the season with a victory at states, taking 5th in the match at Forest Akers on the Michigan State campus. Senior Brooke Herbstreit reflects on her last match of the season.
“I wasn’t the happiest with my outcome,” Herbstreit said. “It was a cold and windy day, but I was able to recover and place top 10 in the match. However I was very proud of my team’s outcome by getting 5th place.”
COVID-19 made the season slightly different from previous years. The team had to follow CDC guidelines: staying six-feet apart and wearing a mask.
“There were 18 teams and 108 golfers all together, including our team, at the match.” Herbstreit said, “This was a large event even with the coronavirus pandemic. There, of course, were precautions that everyone had to follow during the match.”
Seniors have now finished their last season on the golf team at Fenton High.
“I did enjoy my last season,” Herbstreit said. “Some of my favorite memories from golf are the times we’ve won states or some sort of championship, especially when we beat Powers Catholic individually and as a team during the county championship.”
The golf season wrapped up with placing 5th in states, with family and friends supporting in a mask and socially distanced. Next year, a new group of teammates will come together to hopefully fulfill the state’s dream.