Mock meet put together for swim state qualifiers

December 7, 2020
Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced the Michigan three-week shut down just five days before Fenton High’s girls swim and dive was supposed to send their seven state qualifiers to Grand Rapids to compete. After much debate, the Michigan High School Athletic Association (MHSAA) approved the girl’s swim teams to practice their last two days before the shutdown officially began on Wednesday. When girls swim and dive coach Brad Jones and Athletic Director Mike Bakker heard the news, they got to work.
¨The MHSAA gave teams permission to be in the pool; the challenge was getting the meet set up in half a day,¨ Jones said. ¨You need an official, announcer, computer operator, timers, etc. Our administration, Mr. Bakker, Mrs. Lemke, Mr. Bradley, and Dr. Hartley were all very supportive and happy we were able to pull it off.¨
They were able to put the meet together and members of the FHS staff, as well as the swimmer’s family members, were invited to come out and support.
¨It meant the world to me that so many people cared enough about our team to throw together an entire meet over the course of one day,¨ senior Delaney Fries said. ¨It isn’t easy work and it’s time-consuming. It was crazy, the amount of people who cared enough about us to take the time out of their days to prepare and cheer us on— especially the teachers that gave up their nights to come, sit and watch the races, that was the best part. It really made us feel like we were cared for and that we mattered.¨
Teachers Becki Moore, Shawn Lawrence, Kevin Crimmins, Kelly Boike, John Gilbert, Brett Mead, and Mike Pearce came to cheer on and showed their support to the girls. Administration members Assistant Principal Zachery Bradley, Principal Laura Lemke, and Superintendent Adam Hartley even stopped by the meet.
¨The meet was very special to me because it really gave a sense of community to the program we have been a part of for so long,” senior Abby Dolliver said. “All of the teachers and faculty members of our school came together because they know how hard we work, and that did not go unseen. We made the most of the night and definitely had one of the most memorable state meets in the history of Fenton, despite the crazy year we´ve had.¨
The girls’ teammates that were there to show support for their teammates. They cheered and created a tunnel for the girl’s to run through, while the walkout song of their choice played over the speakers.
“My favorite part of the night was getting to celebrate the end of the season with our teammates cheering us on, and listening to some fun songs as we walked down the pool deck,” senior Maddie Kazmerski said.
What will happen for sure is unknown but, there is still a chance the girls may get to compete in Grand Rapids just a few days before Christmas. Each of the girls are training individually to stay in shape for the possibility of finishing off their season.