The robotics team highlights at States and Worlds

Ariana Papcun, Writer

On April 15, the Titanium Tigers Team 5114 finished third in their division at SVSU, second in Offensive Power Rating over all four fields and they finished 32nd in the state, qualifying them for the world championship.

While at the world championship this year, the team had a very competitive division according to Anglea Flynn, a team members mom. They were Rank 44, with a record of 4-6-0, this was the best that the team had ever done, with this being the first time they have been at worlds. 

“After nine years of building our program,” mentor Lisa Ferguson said, “this is by far the  most successful season we have ever had.”

The Robotics team accomplished this season strongly and have won many awards including the Chairmans award.

“The Chairman’s award is the most prestigious award you can win at a robotics competition,” freshman Audrey Flynn said. “It involves what your team does to spread the words of FIRST [For inspiration and recognition of Science and technology] and STEM [science, technology, engineering, and mathematics].”

Flynn joined the team at the beginning of the school year and has taken on the role of a programmer and is in charge of coding the lift system. To her, robotics is a great learning experience and helps with getting into certain career fields. 

“To me robotics is just a great way to learn about STEM, and get a head start on technical/mechanical fields if you want to get into that profession,” Flynn said. “It’s really great to be involved with something that’s hands on.” 

Robotics can have many benefits, such as scholarships, and can prepare students for opportunities in the future. 

“Being a part of robotics has impacted me a lot,” senior and team captain Adam Dickie said. “It has opened my eyes to the world of engineering and I now know what I want to do for a career because of it.” 

The team members recommend joining the robotics team to anyone going into the STEM field. Overall, the Titanium Tigers team 5114 had many accomplishments this season. Though the season is over, the coaches have meetings with Andrew G. Schmidt Middle School students interested in joining during their freshman year scheduled for May 14.