Exams are right around the corner, which means stress is high. Exams are a challenging task to tackle. If you are anxious about midterms, here are some tips and tricks from upperclassmen to ease the stress.
Several upperclassmen recommended studying for each test, “You should always study and prepare yourself for each test,” senior Julia Blanchard stated.
Many people, including junior Remy Sharp, also said you shouldn’t study all in one night, “Don’t only study the night before. Space it out so you are less stressed.”
Junior Christina Dugan added, “You shouldn’t study one thing for too long, study in increments to not stress yourself out and to make sure you cover all of the materials you need to go over for each test.”
Junior Anna Logan said, “Use time in class wisely and ask questions if you don’t understand something that you know will be on the exam.”
Being comfortable while taking your exam is also important. “Wear clothes that are comfortable like sweats or leggings. Comfortable clothes are better to wear during exams because you can focus more on the exam than on what you’re wearing” junior Lousia Gartland said.
Dugan and Logan both agreed that eating a hearty breakfast and drinking plenty of water is important and can help you stay energized while taking exams.
Making sure you get enough sleep before each testing day is critical junior Addsion Dolliver adds, “Be well rested before exams so you’re not tired while taking your tests. Sleep is the most important thing.”
Although exams are stressful, there are steps you can take to take the stress off while you are taking exams. As long as you prepare yourself mentally and physically for exams, you should be ready to take them during exam week.