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The student news site of Fenton High School

Fenton InPrint Online

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The student news site of Fenton High School

Fenton InPrint Online

Photo Submitted By: Bethany Hoover

Publications Field Trip Recap

Sophia Markley, Editor November 4, 2024

Every fall, Fenton High sends several members from publications classes to downtown Lansing for the Michigan Interscholastic Press Association (MIPA) Fall Conference. According to, MIPA is a nonprofit...

LifeSmarts travels to San Diego

LifeSmarts travels to San Diego

Jensen O’Brien, Writer May 10, 2024

At the end of April, business teacher Bruce Burwitz took five of his finance students, Rowan Maynard, Vaughn Clark, Anthony Maini, Talon Howe and Jeremy McDonald to San Diego to compete in the LifeSmarts...


FHS Bands head to NYC for a field trip

Sophia Markley, Writer April 4, 2024

The FHS band program recently went on a field trip to New York City (NYC), where they had the opportunity to explore the city and learn from a music professional. One hundred and sixteen FHS students,...

Washington D.C. trip plans underway for April

Washington D.C. trip plans underway for April

Sylvia Kline, Writer November 9, 2022

After nearly three years of canceled school sports, trips and additional activities, the Fenton High School Washington D.C. trip is making its comeback this April. The trip is facilitated through the Close...

AMS students participate in a simulation about the 1967 Detroit Riots

AMS students participate in a simulation about the 1967 Detroit Riots

Taron Masi, Writer May 9, 2018

If a group of people's basic needs like water, food, and shelter, are not met, things can take a turn for the worse. That’s exactly what the students of Honors American Studies (AMS) learned when they...

French classes go see 'An American In Paris'

French classes go see ‘An American In Paris’

Taron Masi, Writer November 21, 2017

"I have rhythm, I have music, I have my girl. Who could ask for anything more?" On Nov. 19, French teacher Nicole Chouinard and her French 3 and IB classes got to listen to classic lines like this...

First graders visit for Pond Day

First graders visit for Pond Day

Jennifer Eisenbeis, Breaking News Editor October 16, 2015

The kids from the elementary schools visited the high school pond on Oct 9 to learn about the pond and the ecosystem it includes. This is the first pond day of the year, as there is one in the spring. “This...

IB Theatre crosses Canadian border to see a performance of ‘Anne Frank’

Kelsie Lane, Writer October 9, 2015

IB Theatre traveled to Stratford, Canada, on Sunday to see a production of “Anne Frank” at the Avon Theater. “We will be performing the show in January,” junior Frisco Alvarado said. “We learned...

American Studies class views ‘Unbroken’

Michael Pearce, Writer January 12, 2015

A crowded bus is filled with chatter and excitement as the students from the 10th grade American Studies class prepares to see the movie “Unbroken” on Jan. 9. “I was really excited to see the...

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