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The student news site of Fenton High School

Fenton InPrint Online

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The student news site of Fenton High School

Fenton InPrint Online

Greatest love songs of all time

Madysen Krug, Writer February 15, 2021

Valentine’s Day gift ideas for your significant other

Valentine’s Day gift ideas for your significant other

Bree Soule, Online Editor in Chief February 12, 2021

Love is in the air and money is being spent as Valentine’s Day gets closer and closer. While some may have already purchased gifts, others are doing last minute shopping to get their significant others...

"Every Day" Movie Review

“Every Day” Movie Review

Gracie Warda, Online Editor February 26, 2018

“Every Day,” based on best selling novel by David Levithan, follows the story of a character named A, who wakes up in a new body each morning. One day, A wakes up as Justin and falls in love with Rhiannon....

Love, Riley | A letter to my 18 year old self

Riley Wilson, Print Editor in Chief April 30, 2017

Rejection sucks. In the bluntest way possible, rejection is horrible. Especially the type of rejection that acts as a crane, knocking down future plans, causing an earthquake that shatters how you view...

Relationships Vol.III

Relationships Vol.III

Spencer Baughman, Public Relations February 24, 2015

Relationships between people is what makes the world go round. Relationships between people you love, now that is what makes life, truly, meaningful, but is it all that easy? Lou Reed said it best when...

What I am and what I am not: A message to all

Riley Wilson, Content Editor January 15, 2015

During the last couple of years, I have spent my time soul searching, trying to find out who I am, who I am not, and what makes me that way. Sure, I could get into the chemistry of it all. I could tell...

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