Super powers do not make the true hero; but the man or woman inside does

Cast aside Superman’s powers, and what remains? An individual who wants to help others and better the world.

Sometimes we look at superheroes and their powers or abilities too much. Underneath Iron Man’s suit lies a man who wants to do the best he can for those around him, as does Batman and Captain America. But when we think of superheroes, we are not drawn to the ideals or concepts they fight for, such as patriotism, instead we think of flying in the MK V Iron Man Suit, or repelling buildings via Bat-tech. These powers and abilities that writers and authors bestow upon their characters are merely a crutch for these heroes to use.
Captain America is a perfect example of this idea. We begin with a scrawny, yet passionate, individual, who through being subject to “I am Hercules” steroids, becomes one of the strongest heroes in fiction. This is the exact opposite of the message that we should be presenting. I would rather see Captain America remain Scrawny McPassion, and become a hero all the same, because that’s how it really is in life.

It doesn’t take dead parents and a billionaire fortune to take a stand against crime, nor should it. The only thing that keeps individuals from doing so is a simple choice between what is right and what is easy. I don’t need to be able to shoot webs from my hands in order to help people, superpowers are no more than a crutch that make the doing the right thing easier.
Look to our firefighters and police members. Not one of them has superpowers, last I checked, yet all of them have saved lives, helped others, and bettered their communities. These heroes carry their righteous morals and ideals into every encounter, just as Captain America or Batman would do.

The great truth about heroes though, is that we are just as capable as our police forces or firefighters to do the right thing not just for ourselves, but for the greater whole. For the last three years I have been a lifeguard for both Fenton High and Holly Township. When I wrote lifeguard, you may have imagined the more, let’s say, dramatic aspect of the role. In full honesty, I can say that I have never needed to make a save, perform CPR or call an ambulance. The most exciting action I have undertaken as a lifeguard is simply applying bandages for children, rivaled only by checking coolers for forbidden beers.

However, while these actions seem trivial, they are the products of my morals and the situation presented. If I were not vigilant, people could be hurt. The same is true for discipline; not simply enforcing the rules, but following them with respect. One requires bravery, knowing full well that the person you’re trying to save could accidentally drown you. I’m no Aquaman, but when I hit the ground running, I carry with me a hero’s heart.

Even the slightest of our actions carry heroism with them. Coming to school each day, devoting your all to completing the tasks before you, and returning home to prepare for the upcoming day, is no different than any other hero on this planet. Allow the hero on the inside to become who you are, and at the end of each day you will be able to look back on the day’s events as not just a simple day of school, but a crusade against the darkness that lies in ignorance, laziness, and the harming of others.