Fenton Area Public Schools has made the switch from the education technology platform Powerschool to Synergy. Synergy Student Information System (SIS) supplies data and process management; it has a reputation...
As MIPA (Michigan Interscholastic Press Association), a camp for students interested in journalism draws nearer, members attending this camp wait anxiously to start packing. New and experienced members...
Local, fresh, Fenton grown produce such as lettuce, green peppers and carrots can be found at the Fenton Farmer’s Market. Along with much more, such as jewelry, homemade art from local artists and locally...
The scene of convertibles, muscle cars and antique cars, means that car shows are in full swing. Back to the Bricks is an annual week-long car show celebrating classic cars and the people who own them....
Hoping to leave the Ruby Zima auditorium with the crown on their head, ten boys competed for the title “Mr. Fenton” on the evening of May 25. Described as a “pageant’ for male students, there were...
As time goes on, our points of interest change and so do the books we read. The books we used to read pile up and get shoved into boxes to be put in the basement. Maybe from when you were younger and still...
Mr. Fenton, a ‘pageant’ for male students, was originally planned for Friday, May 19. The contest was postponed until Thursday, May 25. Auditions were held May 15-16. The winner, determined by an elected...
Students who have attended basketball games or have seen the marching band have probably heard the Drumline perform before. The 2017-18 Drumline auditions are on May 31. The positions of bass drum and...
As social studies teacher Patricia Gray was scrolling through a list of opportunities open for teachers, she came across a summer teacher institute program offered by the World War II Museum located in...
When former a Fenton student, Brady Morris, lost his life in a shooting incident he became part of the 48 percent of teens that are killed by another that the victim considered a friend according to crchealth.com....
The Butterfly Effect: The phenomenon whereby localized change in a complex system can have large effects elsewhere. In other words, a change you may think is minuscule can make a big difference somewhere...