A Netflix show based on a novel by Jay Asher, 13 Reasons Why, has grown in popularity since its release, rated 91 percent on Rotten Tomatoes. Recently the district’s administration sent a letter to all...
This year, robotics teams from around the world to compete in a World Competition in Saint Louis, Missouri. The Titanium Tigers will be joining them after their performance in the state level of competition....
Counting the money in his hands, a student mentally prepares for prom: him and his date dancing on the dance floor with his fellow classmates smiling and laughing all around him. Images of music, food,...
As National Honor Society applicants receive their acceptance letters, NHS new and old prepare for the upcoming induction. During the induction all new members are formally inducted into the society as...
Transforming the band room by bringing in all different size mattresses, the marching band hosted a mattress sale. They hoped to add to their accumulating funds for new uniforms. The marching band along...
Staring from phone to paper, Crayola markers are moving rigorously across the sheet. Mimicking a twitter page, groups were created in U.S. history and Geography class to complete a project featuring the...
Senior Michael Pearce tends to be a familiar face in the halls, whether he is seen biweekly in the newscast or once a month on his sports column in the Fenton InPrint. Pearce will soon be granted in April...
The American Heart Association (AHA) discovered through data, that more than 350,000 Americans suffer from sudden cardiac arrest. Only 12 percent survive of those survive. The law was put in place to reduce...
As spring approaches, Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) students are preparing for final tests. These tests can earn college credit and help to determine an overall score in...
Each spring, students of all grades are given an opportunity to participate in a school musical. This year however, for personal reasons which should remain unnamed, the school musical has been canceled.
The Genesee Intermediate School District (GISD) has come to a decision to move spring break, starting the 2018-2019 school year. The State of Michigan will require testing during the second week of April.
Senior Jessica Pierce recalls the struggles of being a junior amidst the confusion of standardized tests. Many questions ran through her mind; she asked herself “Why do I even need to take the ACT?”...