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The student news site of Fenton High School

Fenton InPrint Online

The student news site of Fenton High School

Fenton InPrint Online

Regina Pauly

Regina Pauly, Social Media Director

Her second year as a staff member, junior Regina Pauly is excited to grow in her abilities online and learn more about video and social media. In her free time she loves to run, try new things, meet new people, paint and hang out with friends. She is a part of the National Honors Society and Key Club. Her favorite season is fall because of all the pretty colors. Overall she is very excited to be a part of the newspaper staff and cannot wait to grow in her abilities.

All content by Regina Pauly

[Video] Valentine Grams 2019!

Regina Pauly, Social Media Director
February 14, 2019
"One piece of advice I would give to someone would be not to care about labels. Sometimes when you try to fit in too much you become unhappy with yourself. It works better when you just be yourself and you’ll find someone who likes you for who you are.”

People of Fenton: freshman Macy Melero

Regina Pauly, Social Media Director
November 13, 2018
"If there was one piece of advice I would give to others it would be to try to be happy. I think the key to life is happiness rather than successfulness. I just go day to day trying to improve, I don’t need a lot of money, I just want to be happy with what I have.”

People of Fenton: senior Skyler Koleda

Regina Pauly, Social Media Director
November 1, 2018
"My biggest fear is being in a car crash during an ice storm. I was in a car crash when I was 19 in an ice storm, and I came within a foot of death. I got sucked underneath a semi, the semi ran over the car on top of a viddock and then the car got shot out of the viddock, hit the railing, where we all waited to die and we didn’t, we got pushed back onto the freeway and almost got hit again by the oncoming cars. I can still picture it in my head today.”

People of Fenton: teacher Todd Schroeder

Regina Pauly, Social Media Director
October 30, 2018
“My mom played the saxophone when she was younger, and she told me it was pretty easy which made me decide to try it. I started playing [the saxophone] in sixth grade and I’ve been playing ever since. I think it’s super interesting in how complex the instrument is and how far you can take it. I practice almost every SRT in the uniform room as long as I don’t have any homework. I hope to apply to Interlochen and make it into their school. My advice is, if you ever want to get into music, try it, it’s going to be hard at times but it’s more fun when you know all the skills.”

People of Fenton: sophomore Clayton Stoker

Regina Pauly, Social Media Director
October 18, 2018
“At a very young age I started gymnastics and I learned a ton of different skills. Gymnastics transitioned into dance and I did dance and gymnastics for a really long time. From there I went onto competitive cheer, I’ve never done competitive cheer but I automatically made it onto varsity. Varsity cheer is really fun, it’s actually a lot harder than it looks, especially competitive cheer because we have to lift people up and throw them and then you’re getting throw yourself which makes for a lot of hard work to get to that point of trust with one another. Overall, I’m so happy I’m on the cheer team and with all of the relationships I’ve formed because of it.”

People of Fenton: junior Jaidyn Rogers

Regina Pauly, Social Media Director
October 16, 2018
“Leading up to the blood drive, there’s a lot of work that goes into it as far as coordination and communication. When it comes to the day of, the blood drive is pretty self-sufficient, but it’s nice to see all of our hard work pay off and know that we put in work to such a great cause.”

People of Fenton: senior Nolan Day

Regina Pauly, Social Media Director
October 11, 2018
“(My trip to Mount Kilimanjaro)  was really good but also really hard. It took seven days to climb, five to go up and two to come down. Everyday we would go to a different camp and make camp and spend the night, and as soon as the sun went down it would drop to 30 degrees but during the day it was really nice. The farther we went up the mountain the colder it got, so on summit night it was negative 20 at the top, so we had to wear seven layers. Summit night was the worst night it was 15 hours of climbing and we started at midnight. It took eight hours up and seven hours down. Overall it was a great experience though, and I’m so glad I got to go.”

People of Fenton: Sophomore Sarasee Kiran

Regina Pauly, Social Media Director
October 4, 2018
“I have a pretty busy life, I do a lot of things outside and in school. I do ambassadors and cross country; academics and music are important. Music is probably the most important thing between ambassadors and my freetime. When I’m not sleeping or eating, I’m playing guitar, piano, singing, writing music or practicing music, it’s what grounds me and helps me balance out all the stuff I do and relieve stress.”

People of Fenton: junior Patrick Jennings

Regina Pauly, Social Media Director
September 27, 2018
"Ever since I was little, I've been working on cars with my dad. The ability to throw a wrench on something and work on something is so neat to me. Once I finish a project or get something done is very accomplishing to me."

People of Fenton: Sophomore Hayden Stepp

Regina Pauly, Social Media Director
September 20, 2018
“My life can get pretty stressful sometimes, but I’ve learned to let more things go. I don’t always try to be perfect all the time even though I’m stressed, which helps with my anxiety and all the different things that are going on. I take a lot of IB classes, I’m in a lot of clubs and I’m a competitive dancer, so my week can get pretty busy, but I’m thankful for all the people who support me, like my parents, my friends and my peers who help me get through everything so my life isn’t as stressful.”

People of Fenton: Senior Jamie Elrod

Regina Pauly, Social Media Director
September 13, 2018
“I hope to eventually meet my biological parents. I think it’s very interesting when people ask me about being adopted, I get weird looks in stores because my parents are white. Although they aren’t necessarily blood related, I still consider my parents my parents and I love them.”

People of Fenton: Junior Liberty Desjardins

Regina Pauly, Social Media Director
September 6, 2018
“(My brother) and his friend Riley lived in Mount Pleasant, they were on a gator putting up deer blinds in the woods, they hit an ant hill and the gator tipped over on top of my brother and killed him instantly. It was really hard on me because he was my best friend and he was always there for me and now, I don’t have that. I have a tattoo on my ankle in memory of him.”

People of Fenton: Junior Lacey Fowler

Regina Pauly, Social Media Director
September 4, 2018
“[When my parents got divorced] my dad moved to Kansas for work and me, being seven years old, felt like there was something missing. I really missed my dad, my mom was there for me, but I was always a daddy’s girl, so it was really hard on me not having him there. Sometimes I feel like if the divorce never happened my family would be a lot happier. I understand that they’re two different people now, I know my dad has changed a lot and same for my mom. I also understand that they weren't in love anymore and things do happen for a reason but sometimes I just really wish they were still together.”

People of Fenton: Sophomore Drew Baldwin

Regina Pauly, Social Media Director
August 30, 2018
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