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The student news site of Fenton High School

Fenton InPrint Online

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The student news site of Fenton High School

Fenton InPrint Online

Opinion: Black Friday causes injuries

Opinion: Black Friday causes injuries

Emmy Johnson, Writer November 17, 2021

Black Friday is known for priceless deals where many people can get their holiday shopping done in one day. But Black Friday is also known for injuries, aggressive shoppers and busy shops, workers and...

Opinion: Amazon puts small businesses out of work

Opinion: Amazon puts small businesses out of work

Emmy Johnson, Online Editor March 5, 2021

Since Amazon’s opening on July 5, 1994, Amazon has decreased the number of stores, specifically small businesses, in America. Amazon has created the ideal of fast production goods—, making mass...

Opinion: Hats should be allowed in school

Opinion: Hats should be allowed in school

Natily Hall, Writer January 3, 2020

Constantly being told “take your hat off,” gets annoying, especially if you suffer from “hat hair”. Hats have been a part of trends for many years, especially during the wintertime when they act...

Opinion: Wearing hats in school creates unneeded distractions

Opinion: Wearing hats in school creates unneeded distractions

Grahm Staib, Writer January 3, 2020

It is a common  occurrence at Fenton High for a teacher to have to remind a student of the school dress code. By far the most frequent violation of Fenton’s dress code is the wearing of hats. Despite...

Opinion: mental health days can lead to laziness and procrastination

Opinion: mental health days can lead to laziness and procrastination

Grahm Staib, Writer November 19, 2019

Life is stressful. This is a universal truth that will always be around as long as society exists. When this is factored with an educational system that is based on competition, which breeds pressure to...

 After a weekend tournament, senior Ashley Bearden poses with the volleyball team she coaches. Bearden coaches a group of 12 year old girls through the Southern Lakes Parks & Recreation volleyball program.

Starting athletes young is detrimental to their development

Lydia Podlesak, Writer June 6, 2018

Fifty years ago, neighborhood kids came together to play a game of baseball for fun; emphasis on the fun. Nowadays, kids are joining select travel teams just at seven years of age for intense training,...

Pro/Con: Are extraterrestrials real or fake?

Hudson Villeneuve and Cameron Mathews February 8, 2015

Content Editor Hudson Villeneuve Life outside of Earth is a real possibility. Look at the facts and studies, not the science-fiction Since the beginning of man, our species has been baffled by what lies...

Pro/Con: Taboo and Tattoos - Body Modification in the Workplace

Pro/Con: Taboo and Tattoos – Body Modification in the Workplace

Samantha Smith and Hudson Villeneuve October 23, 2014

A few years ago, tattoos and other forms of body modification were looked down upon and the owners were blocked from employment opportunities. Today, body art is viewed as a form of self-expression and...

Pro/Con: Are schools limiting the creativity of students?

Kaylee Vasbinder and Hudson Villeneuve September 29, 2014

Schools are limiting creativity through forced rules and guidelines By Kaylee Vasbinder   From year one, students are told to stay within the lines, to only use certain colors, and to read, write...

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