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The student news site of Fenton High School

Fenton InPrint Online

The student news site of Fenton High School

Fenton InPrint Online

The student news site of Fenton High School

Fenton InPrint Online

Photo: Remy Sharp

Michigan Minimum Wage to Increase

Remy Sharp January 6, 2025

Every penny counts. Minimum wage, both state and federal, is always a topic of discussion in economics and business. On Jan. 1, the Michigan minimum wage will rise from $10.33 to $10.56 per hour. For tipped...

Guide to Adulting: Saving and budgeting money

Guide to Adulting: Saving and budgeting money

Bree Soule, Online Editor-in-Chief September 27, 2021

 Saving and budgeting is of high importance and, as American personal finance personality Dave Ramsey likes to say, “If you save, you win.” Whether it’s eating out, purchasing gifts or preparing...

Tips on shopping affordably

Tips on shopping affordably

Emmy Johnson, Writer April 23, 2020

Splurging on an overpriced item in a cute boutique or store is an easy feat, but after splurging it’s easy to regret the purchase that was made. Shopping for affordable items that last is a more reasonable...

How Fenton High School is going to improve the district

How Fenton High School is going to improve the district

Emmy Johnson, Writer November 15, 2019

Fenton Area Public Schools (FAPS) are adding improvements to its schools. Through recent years FHS has made it a top priority to ensure their students receive an education that’ll push them to reach...

5 tips for being more fiscally responsible as a high schooler

5 tips for being more fiscally responsible as a high schooler

Gracie Warda, Online Editor in Chief November 4, 2019

“I don’t have any money” is a phrase often uttered by high schoolers; poor money management skills could be to blame. Practicing money management is a valuable skill for high schoolers to learn in...

Seniors Lauren Gruber, Kelsey Kussro, Maddie Welch, and Meaghan McArdle taking pictures before there last prom.

Opinion: Prom has become overly expensive for students and families

Sydney Bommersbach, Online Editor March 14, 2019

It all begins with the special proposal, next is buying a dress or tuxedo, then getting tickets at lunch, after that is ordering the corsage or boutonniere and scheduling hair and nail appointments for...

Count day provides funding to the Fenton school district

Sydney Bommersbach, Online Editor February 26, 2019

The funding for all public school districts is determined by two days a year, known as ‘count days’. Chosen by the state, there is one day in October and one in February. “Our per pupil funding...

Guide to Adulting: Taxes

Guide to Adulting: Taxes

Gracie Warda, Assistant Online Editor December 27, 2018

“In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes,” (Ben Franklin). Taxes are a harsh reality for all consumers and adults alike, but navigating them can be tricky. See below...

Tips and trips for summer jobs

Tips and trips for summer jobs

Jillian Ferry, Assistant Online Editor in Chief March 23, 2018

The FCC votes to repeal Net Neutrality

The FCC votes to repeal Net Neutrality

Gracie Warda, Online Editor January 12, 2018

Since its debut in 1990, the World Wide Web has been a form of unobstructed communication, a news source, a place for research and countless other activities. Due to a policy called Net Neutrality, provider...

Budget cuts force electives to cut corners

Budget cuts force electives to cut corners

Gracie Warda, Online Editor September 25, 2017

Schools across the country are facing an age-old issue: Budget cuts. Block scheduling has already been eliminated due to cost. However, financial issues still shadow educational institutions and electives...

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