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The student news site of Fenton High School

Fenton InPrint Online

The student news site of Fenton High School

Fenton InPrint Online

The student news site of Fenton High School

Fenton InPrint Online

Traveling promotes personal growth and expands the mind

Taron Masi, Writer February 1, 2018

Looking back on your life, there are moments that stand out above the rest. Chances are it's not the last time you went shopping. Or when you stayed at home watching a youtube video. What about the time...

High school does not teach students real life skills

Madi Wheeler, Online Editor January 29, 2018

Ever since we were little kids, many students couldn’t wait to grow up. From a young age, some of us knew what we wanted to do and many of us just wanted to get out into the “real world”. Now that...

Society is sabotaging females by degrading them in athletics

Andrea Elsholz, Writer January 23, 2018

During a day at the gym, freshman Abbie Walker-Hackett walked over to the weight room to lift. Suddenly, she was surrounded by people saying “Why bother, you are much weaker than that man over there....

More capital blame than gain

Lukas Zywicki, Writer January 22, 2018

In a time when every vote seems to count, people are left asking whether minors who have jobs should be able to vote. While it is taxation without representation by definition, minors without jobs should...

Society’s rules have been holding people back for ages

Andrea Elsholz, Writer January 19, 2018

People sometimes seem to have something holding them back from success. When they examine what is holding them back, they see everything society has ever told them. It almost seems like humans are given...

Using fear tactics degrades students

Jillian Ferry, Assistant Online Editor in Chief January 18, 2018

“If you don’t do well on this test you won’t pass the class”, “Your college professors will not be as lenient as I am”, “This test is crucial, if you don’t do well, you will not pass the...

Students and teachers try new classroom procedure

Students and teachers try new classroom procedure

Lydia Podlesak, Writer December 29, 2017

As a child, exploring was a favorite pastime. I loved exploring the woods, new rooms, games and scenarios until dusk. As a student discovering ways to explore study habits can make the learning experience...

True Happiness should not occur just at Christmas

True Happiness should not occur just at Christmas

Anna Ebert, Writer December 21, 2017

When you ask some people what their favorite holiday is and they say Christmas, you automatically come to the conclusion that it is because of the presents they get. All the excitement comes from the wait...

Merry Christmas: the reason for the season

Madi Wheeler, Online Editor December 7, 2017

Carolers can be heard singing “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”, that is the season after all. Being a holiday that is affiliated with the birth of Jesus Christ often offends those who do not associate...

It’s more than just Christmas, say Happy Holidays

Jillian Ferry, Assistant Online Editor in Chief December 7, 2017

There are over ten different holidays within the month of December, yet I am only ever told “Merry Christmas”. This leaves out Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Fiesta of Our Lady of Guadalupe and other holidays...

Extracurricular varsity letters require as much work as athletic varsity letters

Extracurricular varsity letters require as much work as athletic varsity letters

Jillian Ferry, Assistant Online Editor in Chief November 30, 2017

“Students should not get a varsity letter if they do not play school sports” was said to me by a fellow student and over the last month nothing has crossed my mind more. Letterman jackets, more...

Students are losing dating manners

Regina Pauly, Writer November 27, 2017

Her crush smiled and said “hello”, she choked. He then proceeded to open the door for her and ask for her number. Her heart melted as she barely managed to speak the numbers. All it takes are nice...

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