Opinion: Online schooling is beneficial for students

Riann Masi, Writer

Michigan schools K-12 have been ordered by Governor Gretchen Whitmer to close buildings and begin schooling online. Schools are to stay close to help decrease the spread of COVID-19 by lessening social contact. Teachers are scrambling to plan for the future: teaching online. 

Many parents are worried that their children won’t be able to receive the same quality of learning at home as they did at school. Students now at home have to use apps such as Google Classroom and Zoom to stay in contact with their teachers and do classwork. With these apps parents shouldn’t be worried about their children losing a schedule during this break from school, this is because schools are now setting up time slots for students to complete their schools’ work. 

Google Classroom is an app created by Google to connect teachers and students together by letting teachers assign homework for students to complete and turn in online. Zoom is an app that connects students and teachers through a group video chat. Each platform helps students ask questions and finish assignments while away from school. These tools make online learning more effective than ever before.

Online schooling may not be the same as working in a classroom, but it allows students to continue learning on this break from school. Rutgers University art professor Nicolas Howard believes transferring students online, for the time being, will help them for the future in learning and adapting to new classes. 

Through this break from schools, students will still be expected to learn and finish assignments. Online apps and platforms make this possible. Students will still be able to continue their learnings and teachers will continue their teachings.